Electrolytic Ozone

Founded in 1988, BES aims to improve the production of high-concentration ozone water, making ozone a safer alternative to chemical disinfectants or thermal disinfection. 

Early products were mainly used in small-scale corona discharge ozone generators in the home, and after years of effort, it was still impossible to break through the stable generation of ozone gas in high humidity environments. Other problems of traditional ozonation technology are durability due to poor air quality, humidity, and low oxygen, as well as safety concerns due to high voltages and possible harmful by-products (NOx).

In 1996, BES initiated a push for innovation and developed the patented membrane electrode electrolytic ozone generator E.O.G — a revolutionary breakthrough in the electrolysis of ozone from water. We have had a deep understanding of the benefits of ozone applications and the limitations of other ozone products, so we developed an ozone generator that is immune to air and is energy efficient.

Our technology breaks through the shortcomings of the traditional corona discharge ozone generators, delivering a concentration of ozone gas as high as 28wt%. This is the highest gas purity in the ozone industry, and the most difficult breakthrough for other ozone technologies. We have obtained more than 50 invention patents and countless application patents around the world.

What is Ozone?

Ozone is a form of oxygen. As a strong oxidant, ozone is a type of natural sanitizer, that effectively oxidizes (decomposes) organic matter. Unlike chemical disinfectants, it causes no negative side effects, nor is it corrosive. Ozone is an environmental friendly sanitizer that re-forms into oxygen molecules after the sanitization process.

Ozone is very useful for industries that require high hygienic safety and sanitization standards, such as food safety, commercial laundry, healthcare, water treatment industries and more.

Ozone is also listed as an approved sanitizer by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and has been used across the globe for more than a century. Many running water treatment facilities in developed countries and most beverage bottling facilities use ozone to sanitize.

The Difference Between Ozone Gas & Ozonated Water

Ozone gas is a natural oxidant (bactericide), but the gas has no directionality and cannot sterilize the surface of an object. If water is used as a medium and the ozone gas is efficiently dissolved in water, directionality of the ozone gas can be achieved and the surface of the object can be disinfected.

Safe Technology

According to the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Association) regulations in the United States, ozone concentration exposer up to eight consecutive hours in the working environment should not be higher than 0.1 ppm to prevent respiratory tract sensitivity and coughing, thus it is necessary to control air quality during the application of ozone gas. 

BES High Concentration, Low Aeration Ozone Water 

BES has a number of patented technologies for the stable dissolvinf of ozone gas in water. The ozone aeration amount meets safety regulations and generates a high concentration of dissolved ozonated water. The dissolved high concentration ozonated water can effectively replace chemical disinfectants for humans and the environment.

Dissolution Technology

The Importance of Ozone Water Concentration 

Concentration determines the sterilization speed. Higher concentration ozonated water can greatly reduce the contact time and achieve more efficient sanitation. BES Group ozone products instantly and safely generate dissolved ozonated water above the industry average concentration.

pure ozone

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