Ozone Disinfection for Drink Dispensers
Many restaurants and bars use refrigerated drink dispensers to save costs on…(Read More)
Keeping Your Beer Line Safe and Clean with Ozone
More than 27 billion pints of draft beer are consumed worldwide every year…(Read More)
Ozone for Use in Laundromats – What makes cleaning with ozone different?
As research on ozone increases and ozone technology becomes more accessible…(Read More)
Ozone Spray vs 75% Alcohol for Sanitizing
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, 75% alcohol or isopropyl alcohol…(Read More)
How can Ozonated Water Keep Your Ice-Maker Sanitized?
Ozonated water is automatic and works with any ice maker. It’s easy to obtain…(Read More)
How Dirty is Restaurant Ice?
Most people don’t give a second thought when they use ice. But those real-life cases above reveal the potential harms of dirty ice to our health and…(Read More)
Is Ozone Harmful to Humans?
With any emerging technology, there are always concerns about safety and potential harm to humans…(Read More)
Ozonated Water vs UV Light Sanitation: Which is the Best Chemical-Free Sanitation?
Weighing up all the pros and cons, it is clear that ozone is …(Read More)
Electrolytic Ozone for Laundry in Nursing Homes
The bleaching properties of ozone can reduce the amount of laundry detergent and other chemicals used…(Read More)
Ozone in Nursing Homes Can Save Lives
COVID-19 has wreaked havoc in nursing homes caused thousands of deaths. Could this have been prevented with better hygiene and sanitation? (Read More)
Preventing Foodborne Illnesses with Ozone Sanitation for the Kitchen
With the threat of COVID-19, a safe and reliable sanitation system is even more important in preventing our loved ones and ourselves from getting sick. So shouldn’t sanitizing our home kitchens be a priority? (Read More)
Protected: Ozone Spray Bottle Pro – BioSure vs Other Brands
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